Name the most abundant element in earth’s crust?
The most abundant element in earth’s crust is Oxygen. It is present in earth crust in form of oxide, carbonate etc. of metal.
A Substance can be beaten into sheets and beaten into wires. What will you call it?
A substance that can be beaten into thin sheets and drawn into thin wire is both malleable and ductile. Gold is most malleable and ductile element.
What are the major constituents of universe?
The major constituents of universe are Hydrogen and Helium. They are constituent of Sun, stars and other solar bodies.
Which of the following element has the characteristics of both metals and non – metals?
The element that possesses characteristic of both metal and non-metal are called metalloid. Arsenic is the element that has properties of both metal and non-metal.
Which of the following has the smell of rotten egg?
Hydrogen sulphide gas has the smell of rotten egg.